I'm in a movie with ASHLEY JUDD!
YEEEEEEEES guys, God is blessing me! I landed my first lead in a feature film, "TRAFFICKED," and I recently found out that freaking...

Shenanigans from on set of 'ADINDU!'
Hey guys!!!!! So yesterday we wrapped filming for my short film, ADINDU! I played the lead role, and it was my biggest role to date. I...

Coolest Picture of Me I've Ever Seen
Y'all. When I saw this picture I was taken aback. I literally started laughing because it was ridiculously cool. Was this me?! Like...

All Things Actor-y!
So I decided to start a blog. 'But I ain't a blogger, doe.' It looks like I'm trying to take this actor thing kinda serious, so I felt...

New Webseries Coming Soon!
So excited! I booked a new webseries!!! One of my goals this year was to book a lead on a webseries, AND I JUST DID! Thanks be to God! Be...